Simplify payments with EASYPay
Fill the payments gap inside of JD Edwards. Accept manual or automated credit card payments within JD Edwards.

Take the complexity out of online payments with
Here’s what you gain with EASYPay, a PCI compliant shopping cart and invoice payment portal:
- Works with your choice of payment gateways including Authorize. Net, Paypal, Chase Paymentech, CyberSource, Worldpay, Adyen, & Moneris.
- Secure credit card data that is held in the payment gateway you choose, vs your website or via K-Rise systems.
- OVI certified, hence fully vetted with JD Edwards ERP.
- Works with your own storefront, K-Rise’s EASYCommerce or any 3rd party eCommerce solution.
Why K-Rise EASYPay
is the right choice for your business

Get started in no time
- 100% cloud/saas or on-prem deployment options available
- Easy Install / Administration / Upgrade
- Affordable pricing & ROI to deploy EASYPay

Compliant & secure solution
- Oracle OVI Compliant
- Compliance, EasySAQ Form A vs. Difficult D
- Offsite Cloud PCI Data Center

Payment highlights:
- Collections, Invoice Payment
- Split-Payments / Partial Ships
- Authorize, Settle, and A/R Update
- ANY Payment Gateway / Processor
- Level 2 or 3 Processing, Lower Fees
- Void, Returns, Credit, Freight, Tax
- Card Not Present and Card Present

Additional features
- Reduced PCI Scope: Hosted Pay Page and Tokens
- Create JDE Order 1st: No Missed Orders, Timeouts
- REST, iFrame, Web Services: EASY APIs
Use cases K-Rise
EASYPay serves:
JD Edwards ERP Sales Order (P4210 / P42101)
- JDE Interactive (CSR Enters Customer Card Payment Profile)
- JDE Workflow Automation (Customer Enters Card Payment Profile) – involves AR Portal
JD Edwards ERP Invoice Collections
- CSR / Finance Pays Open AR Invoice with Customer Card Payment Profile
EASYPay AR Portal
Customer Login
- Online Invoice Bill Pay, AR Info, Payments, Statements, etc.
Finance / CSR Login
- Impersonate Customer for Invoice Bill Pay, AR Info, Payments, Statements, etc.
- Over Credit Limit – Unapplied Cash Workflow
- Setup Customer Invoice Auto-Pay
- EASYCommerce Sales Orders & Invoices
- 3rd Party eCommerce Solutions
JD Edwards Real Estate Management
- Tenant Management (P01012)
- Lease Management (P1501)
EASYPay API Projects
- All EASYPay Functionality Exists as APIs to Host From Other Applications (e.g. Salesforce, Magento, Homegrown, etc.)
Use cases K-Rise
EASYPay serves:
Is your customer service team spending over 50% of their time answering routine customer queries about order, shipping or invoice status?
Our Customer Self Service Portal helps you save time, money and improve productivity while maximizing sales.
JD Edwards ERP Sales Order (P4210 / P42101)
- JDE Interactive (CSR Enters Customer Card Payment Profile)
- JDE Workflow Automation (Customer Enters Card Payment Profile) – involves AR Portal
JD Edwards ERP Invoice Collections
- CSR / Finance Pays Open AR Invoice with Customer Card Payment Profile
EASYPay AR Portal
Customer Login
- Online Invoice Bill Pay, AR Info, Payments, Statements, etc.
Finance / CSR Login
- Impersonate Customer for Invoice Bill Pay, AR Info, Payments, Statements, etc.
- Over Credit Limit – Unapplied Cash Workflow
- Setup Customer Invoice Auto-Pay
- EASYCommerce Sales Orders & Invoices
- 3rd Party eCommerce Solutions
JD Edwards Real Estate Management
- Tenant Management (P01012)
- Lease Management (P1501)
EASYPay API Projects
- All EASYPay Functionality Exists as APIs to Host From Other Applications (e.g. Salesforce, Magento, Homegrown, etc.)

Integrate to anything
- EASYPay provides the ultimate PCI security protection
- Our Rackspace Data Center is a PCI-DSS Compliant Infrastructure – On Premise

Pre-Built Solutions
- Users have access to a Payment Gateway, i.e a Hosted Payment Form for Entering credit card details (CHD)
- Cardholder Data is Fully Outsourced, Enables PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) Form A, 13 questions not Form D 288 questions

World-Class Support
- EASYPay On-Premises and Cloud deployment help resolve all twelve PCI requirements

Integrate to anything
- EASYPay provides the ultimate PCI security protection
- Our Rackspace Data Center is a PCI-DSS Compliant Infrastructure – On Premise

Pre-Built Solutions
- Users have access to a Payment Gateway, i.e a Hosted Payment Form for Entering credit card details (CHD)
- Cardholder Data is Fully Outsourced, Enables PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) Form A, 13 questions not Form D 288 questions

World-Class Support
- EASYPay On-Premises and Cloud deployment help resolve all twelve PCI requirements
Build and Maintain a Secure Network
- 1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data
- 2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters
Protect Cardholder Data
- 3. Protect stored cardholder data
- 4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
- 5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software or programs
- 6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications
Implement Strong Access Control Measures
- 7. Restrict access to cardholder data by business need to know
- 8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
- 9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
- 10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
- 11. Regularly test security systems and processes
Maintain an Information Security Policy
- 12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel

EASYPay simplifies credit card orders for your CSR’s
- Seamlessly create orders
- Use pre-authorized debit options
- Easy overview of your transaction history

Make your CSR’s & finance team more productive with JD Edwards Invoice Collections
JD Edwards Open Invoice “Collections” enabled for CSR’s, Finance or Accounting with Payment History Inquiry.
- Easily access all invoices with the EASYPay Invoice Collection
- Split payment against multiple saved payment methods
- No Longer Open
EASYPay for
JD Edwards in action
Learn more about EASYPay functionalities in
these interactive video demonstrations.
Get a bird’s eye view of
EASYPay’s Functional
EASYPay for
JD Edwards in action
Learn more about EASYPay functionalities in these interactive video demonstrations.
Get a bird’s eye view of
EASYPay’s Functional

We’ve helped thousands of clients offer a seamless payment experience to their customers!

Get Payments Ready with EASYPay

Get Payments Ready with EASYPay