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We wanted to personally invite you to our upcoming daily live educational webinars with our product developers. We understand that you may have questions or concerns about our products & platform and we would like to answer them directly.  We believe this is an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about our development process and gain a deeper understanding of how our platform works and provide better services to our clients.

The daily FREE training sessions will cover various topics related to platform development, including training on the use of our platform, implementation of the platform, and training staff on the use of our platform. Our experienced developers will lead these sessions and share their knowledge and expertise with you. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any challenges you face while considering our platforms or already working on our platforms.

To participate in these sessions, choose any day to participate from 11:00 AM CST- 12:00 PM CST and join us via Zoom. The training sessions will run for an hour each day, and we invite all members of your team to attend. 

Register Here:  (Select from the drop-down menu for the date you plan to attend. You can scroll down on the right to find multiple dates to attend. You can attend 1 training session or multiple training sessions, you just have to register for each one you plan to attend) You can attend as many times as you want!

We will be providing these sessions daily and you must register for each event to attend.

We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this free opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge. By investing in your development, we are investing in our team’s and client’s success. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

We look forward to seeing you at the training session.

Register Here